Friday, February 27, 2009

how to become a good teacher<3

to become a good teacher you have to have the passion to work with kids. you need to understand each individual in their own way. you should want the children to benefit off your teaching. make lessons that will catch their attention, get them to want to learn. let them have enjoyment in learning. always keep in the back of your mind the memory of being a student. what did you think the perfect teacher was like? what kind of teacher would you have listened to? how did you feel about learning? what made you want to learn? ask yourself those few questions and let them guide you through teaching. be creative! don't always follow the same path make you class interesting/ exciting. always look outside the box. let the students show you what they are interested in and put that into a lesson plan. just talking in front of the class writing down 4 pages of notes wont be as effective as hands on lessons. yes the children are listening or maybe there not. if you ask them to come up to the board or demonstrate something for you and the class it will help them understand what is going on better and you will also know who is paying attention or who gets it and who doesn't. these ideas wont just help you become a better teacher but it will help the children learn more as well (and isn't that what teaching is all about? helping children learn?).

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

why read?

people can read for multiple reasons. everyone has there own reason of why they like or dislike to read. some people like peace and quiet while they are reading. reading can relax them. while reading you are entering a whole new world. mentally you are getting out of your own life and maybe entering a new one with in your book. i think there are tons of books that people who don't like to read would love it is just they have to take the time to sit down and read. for me books that relate to my life or books that can happen in real life catch my attention. there were a few books that once i started reading them i just couldn't put them down. i would be in the middle of a page almost done with the chapter and i would have to keep going on to the next page/chapter because i was so interested in what would happen next. i used to hate reading especially for school. i think after having a few classes where i got to choose some of the books i had to read i started to like reading a little more. i don't really like reading for school. i don't really like the book chosen for us and it is very hard to concentrate when you have no interest in the book and it is even harder to do work on books you are not interested in. there are so many books out there that could catch any ones attention.