Tuesday, March 17, 2009

staying home story

laying down with eyes still closed not wanting to get up. eyes open you attempt to get up but it is just one of those days where you are not in the mood to. you give your parents a hard time until they give in and let you stay home for the day. even though you are staying home for the day you still have to go to work later on. you have worked 5 days a week for a year and a half already. you love your job and you have a great work ethic. for people that don't know you that well or for people you haven't told things to they think you just work to get money or because you love it. those two things are a major part in why you work but then again it is so much more. you see you don't have that many friends. you don't do much on weekends. you don't talk to many people in your school.work is something for you to do. to keep you occupied. work is to get your mind off of everything that goes on bad in your mind! your mom asks you whats going on in school you dad asks as well. you just brush them off and say nothing its just nothing when really there is something. you don't feel right there. you get to school and then it feels like you just go and leave right away. you keep to yourself. you think it is too late to become a new person. you always think about bad thoughts even though you try to think of good it always winds up going to the bad thoughts of your life. you then walk into work and you zone out your life and pretend everything is OK! you make the most out of it! you are around other people having a good time. you get out of reality for a couple of hours! sometimes you just need a mental health day to recuperate yourself.


  1. I feel like there is a hidden message in here. You say that you just dont want to go to bed and then start talking about how the person works a lot. You also mention that the person does not have many friends and a barely noticable social life indicating that could be the main reason why they stay at home.

  2. This is really good. I liked how you ended it and saying that sometimes people just need to take a mental health day.

  3. Very Interesting marti
